
Experience world-class care at Lotus hospital

Our Specialties


Anesthesiologist at Lotus Hospital is uniquely qualified to coordinate the care of patients in the intensive care unit because of the extensive training in clinical physiology/pharmacology and resuscitation. In the ICU, he directs the complete medical care for the sickest patients. The role of the anesthesiologist in this setting includes the provision of medical assessment and diagnosis, respiratory and cardiovascular support and infection control.

Our Anesthesiologist also possess the medical knowledge and technical expertise to deal with many emergency and trauma situations. The anesthesiologist or Intensivist as one may term him in critical care management, provides airway management, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, advanced life support and pain control, all of which are essential skills to the intensivist. As consultants, he plays an active role in stabilizing and preparing the patient for emergency surgery.

If you are an international patient and would like an appointment,
please call us 0424-228 28 28 or email us [email protected]