
Experience world-class care at Lotus hospital

Our Specialties


Mental, emotional and behavioral disorders are dealt with at Lotus Hospital. These disorders include mal-adaptations associated with a person’s mood, behavior, perceptions and cognition. An initial psychiatric assessment typically involves the patient’s case history and a mental status examination. This may be followed by physical examinations and psychological tests. Some cases may require neuroimaging or other kinds of neurophysiological techniques. Each case is unique and will typically require a personalized treatment plan.

The Department of Psychiatry at Lotus hospital provides specialized and personal medical care and therapy for patients suffering from common and uncommon mental illnesses. The most common types of mental disorders that affect people are clinical depression, anxiety disorder, dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and autism.

The psychology care offered at the Department of Psychiatry includes Teenage Depression Management, Adolescent Counselling, Depression Clinic, Psychiatric Counselling and much more. The department offers personalised treatment programs. The doctors works with the patient to create a treatment program that is most suitable in managing their condition. We provide:

  • 24 hours acute & emergency psychiatric service
  • Alcohol & other drugs deaddiction service
  • Child & adolescence guidance clinic
  • Psychometry & psychotherapies
  • Cbt & counseling
  • behavior modification
  • biofeedback
  • Special clinics & supportive group for
  • Adhd
  • Autism
  • Intellectual disability
  • Supportive group therapy for schizophrenia &depression
  • Rehabillitation for chronic psychiatric patients.

The Department prioritizes patient care above all else. Each patient is treated with respect and compassion. Psychiatric sessions are held privately and patient reports are closely guarded. Each individual case is treated separately and each patient is allowed to customise their treatment program. The Psychiatrist is trained in dealing with patients of all age groups, from children to elderly people.

If you are an international patient and would like an appointment,
please call us 0424-228 28 28 or email us [email protected]